Friday, December 31, 2021

Cheers to new beginnings!



As for book sales for  Mirror Image, I have had to reschedule the second book, Dead Wrong, a few times. This was the last time. I promised the book, and it will be delivered. However, depending on how sales go, I may end that series with this final book. I am not saying this will be my previous mystery novel. However, I do have to figure out a reliable marketing plan. For those of you who purchased Mirror Image, thank you. 


As a bonus, I am offering a $10 Amazon Gift card to the first ten (10) readers to purchase Mirror Image and leave a review. For a limited time, Mirror Image is free in Kindle Unlimited. After January 10, 2022, it will no longer be accessible. Get your copy today! Once you have made your purchase leave a comment in the comments section of this post or email me at

The giveaway expires on Friday, January 7, 2021. 


L.E. Gortman

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Update on "Dead Wrong" the 2nd Novel in the Centrehope miniseries.

 Greetings! :-)

Giving a brief update on the second book in the Centrehope Murder Mysteries. I had originally planned for this book to release in April or June; however, I decided to hold off on the release until the fall. The reason being, the first book didn't garner as many sales as I would have liked. I had thought about not releasing a second book at all and thought better of it. Sales for the first book have picked up, so I have decided to go ahead with the release. As well as the release of the connecting series, "The Latreville Murders: Lovers and Killers." Right now, I am looking at an August-September release date for Dead Wrong with Lovers and Killers following directly thereafter.

Please stay tuned for contests and lovely prizes to coincide with each release. I am hoping this series picks up as I am in love with my characters. Speaking of characters, another Character Interview will be coming soon. Until I post again. Have a fantastic day. Stay safe.


~L.E. Gortman

#releaseupdate #deadwrongrelease #l.e.gortmanwrites #mysteryandsuspense #romanticsuspense #awesomecharacters

Saturday, January 30, 2021

Character Interview with Sheriff Christian Ballard of Centrehope

 Dear Readers:

Today, January 30, 2021, I have the pleasure of interviewing one of the characters, Sheriff Christian Ballard, in my mystery series Mirror Image, The Centrehope Murder Mysteries. Available on Amazon, B&N, Apple, Kobo, Smashwords. Print copies are available on IngramSpark. 

Sheriff Ballard has agreed to take questions from readers and will respond promptly. Leave your comments in the comment section.

L.E. Gortman - First, Sheriff Ballard, I would like to thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to have a sit down with me. It appears that the good citizens of Centrehope are keeping you on your toes.

Sheriff Ballard - Please, call me Christian *inserts chuckle*. I appreciate you having me. Yes, Centrehope has changed. For better or worse remains to be seen. Right, now the verdict is out on that one.

L.E. Gortman - How long have you lived in Centrehope?

Sheriff Ballard – I have lived in Centrehope for the better part of my life. I moved away after High School before returning and then being elected as the town’s sheriff.

L.E. Gortman - Where did you go when you left Centrehope?

Sheriff Ballard - Here and there. I started in Florida and... as I said here and there.

L.E. Gortman - Can you elaborate a little?

Sheriff Ballard - I did *insert chuckle* I mean, I went to the University of Florida on a scholarship for sports as well as academics. I stopped playing sports and focused on academics, and moved on from there.

L.E. Gortman – For real? *eye lift*

Sheriff Ballard - You sound surprised, he chuckled.

L.E. Gortman – That is because I am, but I’ll come back to that. Right now, I am sure viewers would like to know something about the recent murders in Centrehope. 

What is it you’re anxious about when it comes to this murder investigation?

Sheriff Ballard - *Gives her a blank stare.* The fact that there were murders is enough.

L.E. Gortman - Are these murders connected to one another in any way?

Sheriff Ballard - I am not sure yet. It’s an ongoing investigation.

L.E. Gortman - There seems to be some animosity between you and the mayor...uh...Mayor Colby Dean, I believe. What’s that all about?

Sheriff Ballard – That’s not true at all. Everyone is on edge. Centrehope is a small city that has never had this much action. There are bound to be deferring opinions.

L.E. Gortman – Fair enough. Moving on. Let’s talk about Addison Holloway...

Sheriff Ballard - Let’s not. He cut in sharply.

L.E. Gortman - It appears as though I have hit a sore spot with that one. What is it about Ms. Holloway that has you on edge?

Sheriff Ballard - Nothing at all. I don’t like to speak ill... it’s just not something that I can...let me put it a better way. There are some things I am not at liberty to discuss. It has nothing to do with anything personal against Addis...Ms. Holloway. As I stated earlier, the investigation is ongoing.

L.E. Gortman – So, are you saying that you charged the wrong person? Also, it is rumored that you and Ms. Holloway have dated.

Sheriff Ballard - It means that it’s still under investigation. As you know, there have been several incidents. There was also a rumor that I was dead. As you can see, I am very much alive. That’s why they are called “rumors.” There usually isn’t any truth to them. I deal in facts.

L.E. Gortman – By your comment, I take it there are several players in this? Am I correct? The papers printed that you already have a confession, so the next logical belief is that you’re searching for another person or persons.

Sheriff Ballard - That would be logical, yes *insert strained chuckle* However, we have to go where the evidence takes us. We will see.

L.E. Gortman - Do you believe the investigation should be wrapping up soon?

Sheriff Ballard - I sure hope so. The residents of Centrehope, as well as myself, are looking forward to a sense of normality. There has been a little too much action lately, and not the right kind.

L.E. Gortman - Fair enough. Your Deputy Sheriff appears to be just as tenacious as you are. What’s his name...uh, Jarrett Faulkner?

Sheriff Ballard – Yes. Jarrett is good at his job, and he also happens to be a close friend of mine. The fact that we work together makes it easier to get the job done.

L.E. Gortman - I hear he’s a lady’s man.

Sheriff Ballard - I can’t speak on that. You are going to have to ask Jarrett about that.

L.E. Gortman - I know the ladies are dying to know this. Is there anyone special in your life? A lady friend, fiancΓ©, girlfriend, and or boyfriend?

Sheriff Ballard - *Nervous chuckle* None of the above. As you can see, I haven’t had time for anything of much lately. I have been kept busy.

L.E. Gortman - Well, you know the saying “all work and no play makes the Sheriff...”

Sheriff Ballard - Busy

L.E. Gortman - *holds up hands* I get it. *chuckling* I had to ask the question. Christian, you have had a grueling few months, to say the least. How are you feeling?

Sheriff Ballard – I am getting better every day.

L.E. Gortman - That is good to hear. It is definitely good news. Thank you, Christian, for taking the time to have a sit down with me. I hope you will return once this pesky business is resolved. Just don’t go getting shot, Sheriff.

Sheriff Ballard - I have no intention of being injured. It was my pleasure. Thanks for having me.

L.E. Gortman - That’s a wrap, folks. Send in those questions for the Sheriff. Until the next episode. Stay safe, people of Centrehope. 

~L.E. Gortman

Friday, January 29, 2021

The Storm rages on! Pre-Order Dead Wrong: The Centrehope Murders Book Two

 Hello, my lovely readers!

If you think book one in the Centrohope series was filled with twists and turns, be prepared for the next installment, Dead Wrong, book two in this series. The pre-sale link is below the cover for your convenience.


CENTREHOPE – The storm rages on

Centrehope has once again shifted on its axis. The seemingly quiet town has been hit hard by death, lies, deceit, and destruction. Their beloved Sheriff Christian Ballard has been targeted, shining the spotlight on the resilient Deputy Sheriff Jarrett Faulkner. His tasks are simple in theory: discover who wanted the sheriff dead; uncover the secrets that undergird the town as someone is willing to kill to keep them hidden, and bring a murderer to justice. Being a man of the law, he seeks justice. However, the hunt begins when Jarrett believes he has discovered the identity of the killer.

Can the town move forward after a series of catastrophic events, or will they be stuck in the murky waters of small-town living? Or will Jarrett be the next victim of the faceless killer? Jarrett suddenly realizes that he’s been wrong in his pursuit. Dead Wrong.

Dead Wrong. A tale of intrigue and deception where those who appear the most innocent turn out to be cold-blooded murderers.

I hope you enjoy reading this series as much as I loved writing it. Have a fantastic weekend. Remember: Read a book, leave a review.


L.E. Gortman

Thursday, January 28, 2021

New Book out now! Mirror Image - The Centrehope Murder Mysteries

 Hello fellow readers, bloggers, and writers!

First, I am happy to announce my book, Mirror Image. Some of you may remember this book as Dead Ringer. That's right. Dead Ringer has received a facelift. I retitled this book, changed the story's trajectory, and added a great deal of new content.

Reason for change: I was not happy with the first version, and after working on the second installment, I knew that the first version needed a remake. In fact, the remake is actually how I originally outlined the story. However, doubt and other things caused me to change the premise. Well, that first intuition in what not...yeah, go with it. In most cases, it will save you the hassle of what I have gone through and money. Major key: MONEY.

So, without further ado, I would like to introduce my first murder mystery, Mirror Image, the first book in The Centrehope Murder Mysteries collection. I invite you to take the journey with me through the small fictional town of Centrehope, New York, where we meet Christian Ballard, the town’s sheriff. Sheriff Ballard is all business and somewhat mysterious in this installment, but we’ll learn more about him as the series continues.

I hope you enjoy this riveting whodunit.

I would love your feedback. Drop me a line anytime. authorlegortman

This title is available through all major marketing channels.

Print copy available through IngramSpark:
 ISBN 9781637321072

Ebook copies are available at:


I would very much appreciate your support. Reviews are helpful. Thank you very much. Until my next post... 


L.E. Gortman

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

What about it Wednesday!

Happy hump day!

Whew, it's the middle of the week already! It is also getting closer to my cover reveal and book release. Yay! I am so excited.

I had to overcome a few obstacles today, but all-in-all it has been a good day. It's is now 7:00 EST and I have accomplished my writing and personal goals for the day. Now, I am relaxing and planning for tomorrow.

What about you? Did you accomplish what you set out to accomplish today? If not, what can you do differently tomorrow to help you accomplish your daily goal?

That's it for What about it Wednesday!

Remember to --  live, love, and learn


L.E. Gortman

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Welcome to my world. I hope you will take this journey of mystery and suspense with me. I am excited to be publishing my very first mystery novel very soon. I will post more information later on this month. In the meantime enjoy my blog and let's have fun.

Make today a great one!

What put a smile on your face today?

Don't forget to follow me on Instagram @ authorlegortman and Twitter @authorlegortman

Cheers to new beginnings!